I like to sprout the seeds
I've also sprouted seeds in peat moss pods
Another alternative is to sprout the seeds directly in the grow media. I prefer to to use Sure to Grow cubes
Although I've never done it this way, I have seen videos of people simply sprinkling the seeds directly on to the media
Here the writer suggested the idea of using cotton pads
You've come across an interesting idea with the cotton pads
As always I hope you find this useful. If you have any additional ideas or comments please post them below.
I didn't have good luck with cotton pads, but flattened out cotton balls work well for me, I plant 3 seeds per ball. When they grow tall enough, I move cotton and all to hydroton
Thanks Paul! That is very good to know. I will pass this information on to the one who originally asked the question. This is the kind of interaction I was hoping for. :)
I do the Paper towel method, but i will agree, if you let them sit to long, the grow through the paper towel and you can damage the roots. I like to just let them germinate in there and then i move them to rockwool when they have started to develop any sort of root.
This one is really awesome post. And this post really shows the great information about Seed sprouting. As the hydroponics is really one of the coolest biological method. But your by your information it's really going to be fantastic. Thanks for the sharing.
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