This video contains instructions for building your own Top Drip Bucket Hydroponic System using a 5 Gallon Bucket, a Mesh Pot Bucket Lid, and the GH Farm Kit. This kit was intended to be used for the General Hydroponics Water Farm System. I knew with a little modification I could build my own system and save a few dollars.
The Pumping Column is an "Air Lift Pump". It uses air bubbles instead of an electric water pump to supply the hydroponic nutrient to the plant.
I recommend you buy the 10" lid. As you see in the video the 8" will work also with a very easy modification. I'm using this system to have my own home grown heirloom tomatoes.
Here is the list
Bucket Boss 10002 5-Gallon Bucket
10" Round Mesh Pot
8" Round Mesh Pot
General Hydroponics Farm Kit
General Hydroponics Flora Kit 1 Pint each
Hydroton 10 Liter Bag
Elite 800 Air Pump - Elite A800
Thank you for this, once again. I am a long time fan of this site and I want to encourage you to keep it up. Even if there are fewer comments than deserved, I know your work was a great resource during my initial research. I am still currently toying with my own hydroponics system, and hope to one day perfect it, and to share my passion as you do.
Thank you again, take care.
how much was the supplies to build this ?
How much do you think all of these Necessities to make this would costs? Basically if I were to go to the Hardware dept to pick these things up, could I get everything in one trip and is the cost Cheap? Also where could I get Hydroponic Nutrients. Is that also available in a Hardware or Home Improvement Store? Please get back to me - Blake
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