Friday, July 9, 2010

Easy To Build Hydroponics System: The Percolator

What do you do with your old plastic coffee can. Build a mini Hydroponics system of course.

A Hydroponics system built into a coffee can that sounds like a percolator while it's running, how funny is that?

The piece of air tube going into the home made lift pump is from a small aquarium air pump. The tube comming out of the side goes right into the center of the net pot. The solution splashes onto the Hydroton right next to the plant stem but not directly at it.

Build one of your own. It's a lot of fun!
See more videos on my You Tube Channel.


Unknown said...

You said the water flows down over the hydrogen. I know what hydrogen is, but what form is it in that the water can flow down over it and where is it obtained.
Secondly, where is the GH Farm Kit obtained for the other drip example?

HydroponicsFriend said...

Sorry you mis-heard me. I'm referring to Hydroton not Hydrogen. Hydroton is little man made hydroponic grow media. It's the little red balls you see in the net pot.
You can buy the GH Farm kit from Amazon or just about any on line hydroponics store. Just google it and you will get hundreds of results. I was able to buy mine locally from Hot Hydro in Toledo, Oh. Check any hydroponic stores in your area.

Unknown said...

I did not think that the Hydroponics program is very simple to built, but now read the whole content I comprehend everything. You have been described very well about it, I wish it would be useful to built.
grow box

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