This video contains instructions for building your own Top Drip Bucket Hydroponic System using a 5 Gallon Bucket, a Mesh Pot Bucket Lid, and the GH Farm Kit. This kit was intended to be used for the General Hydroponics Water Farm System. I knew with a little modification I could build my own system and save a few dollars.
The Pumping Column is an "Air Lift Pump". It uses air bubbles instead of an electric water pump to supply the hydroponic nutrient to the plant.
I recommend you buy the 10" lid. As you see in the video the 8" will work also with a very easy modification. I'm using this system to have my own home grown heirloom tomatoes.
Here is the list
Bucket Boss 10002 5-Gallon Bucket
10" Round Mesh Pot
8" Round Mesh Pot
General Hydroponics Farm Kit
General Hydroponics Flora Kit 1 Pint each
Hydroton 10 Liter Bag
Elite 800 Air Pump - Elite A800